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The Leaders from Nanjing Catholic Church Visit YMCA
Update:2014-04-29 16:10:24 Author:admin Views:5491 [Font:Big Middle Small]

At 9:30 Am of April 29th, 2014, Bishop Lu Xinpin, vice director and general secretary Chen Xiangzhi, vice director Xiong Chuanjing and the responsible person Zheng Yaoqin, a group of 4 people from Nanjing Catholic Patriot Council, Catholic Nanjing Parish came to visit Nanjing YMCA.  This is the first time for religious organizations to make cross visit and communication.

Li Enlin president of Nanjing YMCA made a warm welcome speech to the visitors from Catholic leadership, praised this visit is the beginning of cooperation between Christianity to social service. After finished watching the videos of service undertaking by Nanjing Ys, sister Zheng made an introduction about the social service projects doing by Nanjing Catholic, the most social influence service is the Ark Retarded Center, this is the biggest organization of caring for the mentally handicapped has been cooperating with our Home of Grace in many ways. During the visit, bishop Lu expressed the visit is meaningful, first, it is the first time for catholic and Christianity to communicate; second, it is good opportunity to share the existing projects and experience. After this visit, both parties will share the information, and make complementation in social projects, and support for each other, and will reach agreement to suggest to the government and related policy.

President Li Enlin mentioned Christianity and Catholic are from one faith; both parties should enhance communication and cooperation in projects, to serve the society together so that we can glorify God and benefit the people.  She said Nanjing Ys will practice the requirement from training inBeijing, the first step is to enhance the cooperation and communication with local churches.
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