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Love Devotion from Gulou Park
Update:2016-01-20 17:02:33 Author:admin Views:5343 [Font:Big Middle Small]
    To better fulfill the principle of  “Serve the Society, Benefit the People” and to advocate the low-carbow green lifestyle, benefiting the poor, Nanjing YMCA set up a seconf-hand family store. All products for sale at low prices are from the donation of Nanjing citizens, enterprices and public institutions, which are second-hand clothes, toys, shoes, books, living goods and  small home appliances, etc. The earnings will be used to help people with disabilities.   
    On the 20th Jan., 2016, which is a very cold day, Zhang Zheng , Dean of Gulou Park accompany by Zhou Ping, Senior Engineer, carried second-hand clothes donated by staff from Gulou Park to Nanjing YMCA seconf-hand family store. Zhao Dongshu, Deputy General Secretary of Nanjing YMCA, Xu Cuicui, Dean of Home of Grace, Wang Sulin, Manager of the second-hand store and Wang Kehong, staff from Nanjing YMCA received Mr.Zhang and Miss or Mrs. Zhou warmly and expressed Nanjing YMCA’s sincere thanks to them. 
    Nanjing YMCA staff described various public services undertaken at present to guests. Afterwards, both sides got a common view that hereafter they will strengthen cooperations between each other and collect more social resououses to carry out more public benefit activities for Nanjing residents. 

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