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Love to Mum
Update:2015-03-10 09:32:43 Author:admin Views:15061 [Font:Big Middle Small]

    On March 4th, an activity named Love to Mum to meet the coming Women’s Day was held by Guangzhoulu Community and Home of Grace. This was sponsored by Guangzhoulu Community and supported by Nanjing Municipal Reception Office as well.

    It was started at 14:30 PM, director Ze Le, secretary Zhang Wei from Guangzhoulu Community, division chief, Mr. Wu from Municipal Reception Office, section chief Jiang Liang from HuaqiaoluSub-district, and the volunteers from Suke Education, and Maoer Library as well as the parents of the participants were presented.


    In order to respond the theme of this activity, our participants prepared the gifts(bought by teacher Chen Wenqin and paid by the donation from the community) to their parents in advance; under the leading of Li Jinhong, Huang Junxian, Wang Mei, staff of Home of Grace, the participants made fresh cookies for their mothers by themselves. Local community leaders donated new pillows to our participants for noon break.  Later, the participants recited a poem to praise mothers, at the mean time, presented the gifts to their mums, which made the mother moved a lot.  Last, a game of guessing the riddles, everyone got involved actively and happily. During the activity, all the people tasted mango pudding made by teacher Li that won full of praise.


    Our participants learned to be grateful to the society , to their parents, and enriched their life by experience beautiful things, meanwhile, the local units have a chance to know more about the weak group, so that they may provide more support to the service of foster care for the disabled.

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